by Market Cheetah | Mar 9, 2021 | Behavioral Competencies, Consultation, HR Expertise, Human Resources, Relationship Management, Technology, Vendor and Software Selection, Vendor Management
From payroll to recruiting to learning and development, the number of technologies built to help run organizations has mushroomed, making it more challenging for HR buyers to choose the right one.
SHRM Online spoke with HR technology leaders, analysts and consultants about how to use one key step in the vendor selection process—the product demonstration—to make more informed decisions.

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by Market Cheetah | Feb 9, 2021 | Change Management, Consultation, Human Resources, Leadership and Navigation, People Manager, Telecommuting, Work-Life Benefits
With millions of Americans working remotely because of the COVID-19 pandemic, managers have had nearly a year of experience with at-home work policies. And not all of that experience is good. Managers share these key lessons.

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by Market Cheetah | Feb 9, 2021 | Change Management, Consultation, Human Resources, Leadership and Navigation, People Manager
The time has come to tell your team goodbye: You got a promotion or a job at a new company, or maybe you’re retiring. Whatever your reason for leaving, you’ll need a solid exit strategy to keep your team on track, working and positive. With such a strategy, you’ll also be protecting your legacy as a caring, competent leader—and you never know who you’ll meet again along your career journey.

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by Market Cheetah | Dec 17, 2020 | Change Management, Consultation, Human Resources, Leadership and Navigation, Research Methodology
Employees forced to start working remotely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have adjusted well, according to research conducted in spring 2020 at the height of nationwide lockdowns. Asked to rate their adjustment on a scale of 1 to 5, nearly 500 survey respondents scored their job performance highly, at about 4, and scored their stress level in the middle, at almost 3.

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by Market Cheetah | Sep 1, 2020 | Coaching, Consultation, HR Careers, Human Resources
Alan Mulally is one of the most acclaimed executives in the United States. He led Boeing’s commercial aviation business to success after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, which had devastated the airline industry. Subsequently, Henry Ford’s great grandson hired him to rescue Ford Motor Company from financial disaster. Now retired and serving on the boards of Alphabet, Google, Mayo Clinic and Carbon3D, Mulally reflects on lessons learned about working together and the importance of the HR profession.

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